Q & A
Why learnt Abacus & Mental Arithmetic?
The goal of Abacus Mental Arithmetic is to develop children's mental calculation skills, improve their concentration, memory, and analytical skills, and increase their confidence in tackling mathematical problems. By mastering these skills, children can perform arithmetic calculations with speed and accuracy, which can be a valuable asset in both academic and everyday life.
​How does abacus help in mental maths or mental arithmetic?
Abacus Mental Arithmetic is an approach to teaching children how to perform arithmetic calculations using both the abacus and mental strategies. Through a series of classes, children learn how to visualize the abacus in their minds and use mental strategies to perform arithmetic calculations quickly and accurately.
What age is ideal for starting abacus?
The most suitable age for a child to start learning Abacus can vary depending on the child's individual readiness and development. However, most children can start learning Abacus as early as 4 years old, as long as they can recognize and write numbers 0-9.
At this age, children have already developed their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, which are necessary for manipulating the beads on the abacus. They are also at a stage where their brains are highly receptive to learning new skills and concepts, making it easier for them to pick up the techniques involved in using the abacus.
​That being said, children of any age can benefit from learning Abacus Mental Arithmetic. Even older children and adults can develop their mental calculation skills and improve their concentration, memory, and analytical abilities through the practice of Abacus Mental Arithmetic. The key is to find a program or instructor that can provide appropriate instruction and support for the learner's age and skill level.
How long does the course takes to complete?
The length of time it takes to reach an advanced level in Abacus Mental Arithmetic can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the child's age, aptitude, and level of practice.
In general, it can take several years of consistent practice and instruction to reach an advanced level in Abacus Mental Arithmetic. However, the speed of progress can vary depending on individual factors such as the amount of practice, the quality of instruction, and the child's own natural ability.
Many Abacus Mental Arithmetic programs have a structured curriculum with specific levels or grades that students progress through as they master new skills and techniques. Each level may take several months or a year to complete, depending on the program and the child's progress.
It's important to note that reaching an advanced level in Abacus Mental Arithmetic is not the sole measure of success in the program. Even at lower levels, children can benefit from the mental calculation skills and other cognitive benefits that come from practicing Abacus Mental Arithmetic.
Additionally, the process of learning and practicing Abacus Mental Arithmetic can be rewarding and enjoyable in itself, regardless of the level of proficiency attained.